Nominate your parent or anyone who's been there for you in this journey we call life and consider your part in sponsership!

If you chose to honor your parent or parents simply tell us from the heart why you are grateful for them and express your gratitude and thankfulness to them using our Home/Nominate page.

Chidren you are the facet of light that will awaken the parents of our generation, come shine!

Simply honor your parent, family member or friend i.e why would you like to see them receive a special gift from you (through us), you'll present the gift at the event.

  • The nominator will receive a special gift as well. (Smile! please understand this is not about competition, your writing should 'spring up' be short, simple and heart felt)
  • After review of your nomination we will contact you with information regarding processing and donation of your tickets for the event @ $4.00 per person. The gifts will be announced at the event. Recipients must be present to receive gifts.
  • All money received as ticket donations to attend party is to be escrowed in order to provide full transparency of event management. Proceeds will be applied toward part of the actual gift, operating expenses including, future entertainment costs if required, permits, etc... ANYTHING EXTRA WILL GO INTO FUTURE EVENTS AND OTHER CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS
  • We need a certain number of people to respond, so tell your friends!
  • As soon as we have reached the minimum number of attendees, details regarding the venue will be posted on the Press Room site page

Nominators and Nominees may invite family members to attend event as long as we have room, we will make a final determination on this as we proceed forward. 

Every student who is under parental care needs to inform their parents of their involvement and participation in this site.  Thank you!

You will be able to follow up on this as we post the recipient of the Gift Giveaway online and as we head into celebrating together at the "Gift Give Away Party"

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